City Pizzeria

1165 6th Ave, San Diego, CA 92101 Order now
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San Diego's Finest Pizza


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Reviews from Grubhub

City Pizzeria Reviews on Grubhub


2 reviews
I've been ordering from this restaurant for about a year, a little less than I've been stationed at NMCSD and they never disappoint! The drivers are always early and make me think they actually give a damn about their job, I appreciate them and my compliments go to the amazing chefs there!


1 review
The drivers are hit or miss but the pizza is always good. Anyone I make try it has loved it. Their Greek salad is pretty legit too. It's not fancy, just functional.


1 review
the pizza was very good and the wings were on point. the delivery was way quicker then
what was anticipated which was awesome.


Top Reviewer
Pizza is pretty good (as long as they don't burn it). But I go to City Pizzeria for the turkey subs. I can't enough of them!


1 review
The order was delivered quickly with no issues. The pizza tasted amazing, and we loved the mozzarella sticks.

About us

Dinner, Lunch Specials, Pizza, Sandwiches
Delivery: 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Enjoy New York-style pizza, calzones, and salads, as well as exquisite catering services, from our pizzeria in San Diego, California. City Pizzeria offers dine-in, carryout, and delivery. Our San Diego pizzeria offers catering services for any special occasion.